Reality Bites

* Seriously, this is a very f-long post.You've been warned.*

Last night, I stuck watching Reality Bites starred Winona Ryder and Ethan Hawke. It's an old movie by the way. As for me, Winona Ryder was always my favorite actress. I first watched her in Edward the scissor-hand starred along her ex beau, who also happen to be my favorite actor, Johnny Depp.

So the story evolved around one young graduate, Lelaina Pierce (which of course played by Winona). She has three best friend, Troy,Vickie and Sammy. Well, it's a good movie. Yeah, I recommended it.(Really, I do).

What really funny is, I've been in a same situation with Lelaina. Ok, so I've just got my diploma. Been studying for 3 years in UITM, hoping that after I graduate, I'll pursue to fulfill my dream. My dream, was of course, something related to my study-to become a journalist/reporter-which had always bugged me from high school.

After convo, while searching for a job, my aunt's school need a substitute teacher so wtf I took the job. Not exactly my favorite job but after a while, I kinda love it. I love mixing in with all those tiny pupils as I teach them. And YES, I truly agreed that working only half day, off during weekend and public holiday, and still get higher salary was totally a job that I would die for! *so here I am... thinking why in the hell didn't I apply this job before?wtf*

The contract ended after 3 months. So I'm on a job hunting once again. I went to 6 interviews and none of them calling me back! I felt sucks and useless. Most of the interviewers said I don't have much experiences and fresh graduate like me is not reliable. wtf? Then why did you put fresh graduate is welcome to apply IN YOUR ADVERTISEMENT you ugly ogre!(Nah, sensitive me.Lol)

I said I want to find a suitable job based on my study, and related to my dream but damn, it's was really hard. Dear, you can choose which course you want but you can't choose which job you want. Literally, this is the world we live right now.

And so I got temporary job at one private company as... an admin assistant.(Yeah, I know, I know. I sound ridiculous.)After all, this is the only position that suit me, I guess. Luckily, it's a big company so I guess it should be ok to stay and gain experiences. Working surrounded by colleagues who doesn't have much qualification but have many experiences in their own field had me thinking, 'so in private sector, you don't need to have much qualification, but an experiences is a must.'

As for government, I went to many interviews before and most of the time, they will hire you according to your qualification. Hmm, sounds irony, aite?

2 years after, I got offer from Daily Express. Omg, I think this must be really dream come true! Even though they offer me position as a sub-editor, but it's ok, because the editor promised to move me to journalist section if I can prove that I'm applicable.

I had hard times to decide whether I should quit my job at current company or not. I've been in a 'very comfort zone' for the past 2 years. No stress, less paper work, nice supervisor and manager, super friendly colleagues and the office is just 7 minutes walk from my house! My manager even offer the supervisor post to me!(After only 2 years,ok! Wow, I must have been a very good worker.Lol).

Then, I made the decision to try it out.Yes, I'm afraid to make changes. I'm afraid to go outside my comfort zone and I'm not sure if I does the right thing or not. I know it's a bit risky, say no to 'supervisor position and new salary', and say hello to 'new job and new working environment', BUT... I have to try. If you never try, you never know, aite?

It's only been 1 month when I suddenly sing Pussycat Doll's song, 'When I grow up' and my favorite sentences that keep repeating in my head, -'be careful what you wish for'! Damn it, I felt like stuck in my own space! I can't fit into their working environment, I can't befriend with my colleagues, I can't stand with 1pm-11pm working hour and sitting in front of computer, editing, correcting and designing stuff for tomorrow's newspaper! I JUST CAN'T and felt like giving up!wtf?

So this voice inside my head kept saying, "Hey you bitch, you kept saying you want to be in this field, you even chose this course before, and yet you complaining about how you can never fit into this world you've been dreaming of?" wtf. It took me 1 week to decide.So guys, be careful what you wish for. Don't ever wish something that you might regret later.*Believe me. Been there, done that.Aiseh*

Conclusion is,reality does bite. Life is complicated and world is never that easy.And me? I just want easy job with high salary. I mean, who doesn't hope for that,aite?Hehe.

So any idea where will I find such vacancy? :P

Because you read this post till the end, I'll give you a peek about Reality Bites (wasn't even my photo